Taerkasten Flying Fortress

  • This article covers the Taerkasten Flying Fortress.
    Taerkasten Flying Fortress.

    (This article is currently under construction!)

    1 Statistics

    Placeholder. This entry will list the vital game stats of the object in the list and table forms. Alternatively, it could be assigned into a separate module here.

    2 Overview

    Placeholder. This entry will cover general descriptions for the object from the lore and gameplay perspectives.

    3 Attributes

    Placeholder. This entry will cover more detailed and specific descriptions for the object.

    4 Technology Upgrades

    Placeholder. This entry will cover technology upgrades available for the object in the single-player campaigns.

    5 Gallery

    Placeholder. This entry will contain various pictures and artworks of the object from the game. Alternatively, it could be assigned into a separate module here.

    6 Trivia

    Placeholder. This entry will contain some miscellaneous aspects of the object that is not essential.

    7 Notes

    Placeholder. This entry will contain any brief additional information about the object.

Original Urban Assault help files entry.

Taerkasten Flying Fortress

Class:Host station


Weapon type:Shell cannon
Machine gun:No
Fire rate:**
Hit points:Variable
Best used against:N/A

Levitated by mystical Taerkasten properties unknown to our science, this "Fortress in the Sky" is a prolific producer of Taerkasten vehicles through its central plasma chamber. Like all Taerkasten weapons, its armor is superior to that of all other factions, with excellent energy reservoirs to back it up. The Taerkasten host station appears at the beginning of your Taerkasten confrontations.

(This article is currently under construction!)

This section contains basic in-game information and properties of the object.


Taerkasten Flying Fortress (Default/AI)

Vehicle NameTaerkasten Flying Fortress
Vehicle ID60
Vehicle ClassHost Station (robo)
EnergyN/A (Variable)
Radar Range3
Turret ID78
Total Turret Number4
AI Flight Altitude350

Weapon System

Weapon ID81
Weapon ClassShell Cannon (grenade)
Weapon Firepower20000 (200)
Damage MultiplierN/A
Rate of Fire (AI)1700 (1.7 seconds)
Rate of Fire (User)1200 (1.2 seconds)

Taerkasten Flying Fortress (Player/Metropolis Dawn)

Vehicle NameTaerkasten Flying Fortress
Vehicle ID178
Vehicle ClassHost Station (robo)
EnergyN/A (Variable; changes between 550000 (1375) to 1000000 (2500) throughout the Metropolis Dawn Taerkasten campaign)
Radar Range3
Turret ID149
Total Turret Number4
AI Flight Altitude350

Weapon System

Weapon ID87
Weapon ClassShell Cannon (grenade)
Weapon Firepower10000 (100)
Damage MultiplierN/A
Rate of Fire (AI)1700 (1.7 seconds)
Rate of Fire (User)1200 (1.2 seconds)


Taerkasten Flying Fortress (Default)

Vehicle NameTaerkasten Flying Fortress
Vehicle ID60
Vehicle ClassHost Station (robo)
EnergyN/A (Variable)
Radar Range3
Turret ID78
Total Turret Number4
AI Flight Altitude350

Weapon System

Weapon ID81
Weapon ClassShell Cannon (grenade)
Weapon Firepower20000 (200)
Damage MultiplierN/A
Rate of Fire (AI)1700 (1.7 seconds)
Rate of Fire (User)1200 (1.2 seconds)

Taerkasten Flying Fortress (Modem)

Vehicle NameTaerkasten Flying Fortress
Vehicle ID60
Vehicle ClassHost Station (robo)
EnergyN/A (Variable)
Radar Range3
Turret ID160
Total Turret Number1
AI Flight Altitude350

Weapon System

Weapon ID123
Weapon ClassShell Cannon (grenade)
Weapon Firepower30000 (300)
Damage MultiplierN/A
Rate of Fire (AI)1700 (1.7 seconds)
Rate of Fire (User)1200 (1.2 seconds)


* The unit of time used in the game engine/data script is in milliseconds by default.

* All energy values that appear in the game are divided by 100 from the actual engine/data script values.

* Player-controlled units will receive -60% incoming damage and increased manoeuvrability, as well as alternative firepower.

* AI-specific parameters such as flight altitudes or attack patterns are completely ignored when the unit is directly controlled by the player.

* AI-controlled air units can override their pre-set flight altitude values when targeting player-controlled vehicles above them, or when attacking host stations.
