Black Sect Flak Station

  • This article covers the Black Sect building Black Sect Flak Station.
    Black Sect Flak Station.

    (This article is currently under construction!)

    1 Statistics

    Placeholder. This entry will list the vital game stats of the object in the list and table forms. Alternatively, it could be assigned into a separate module here.

    2 Overview

    Placeholder. This entry will cover general descriptions for the object from the lore and gameplay perspectives.

    3 Attributes

    Placeholder. This entry will cover more detailed and specific descriptions for the object.

    4 Technology Upgrades

    Placeholder. This entry will cover technology upgrades available for the object in the single-player campaigns.

    5 Gallery

    Placeholder. This entry will contain various pictures and artworks of the object from the game. Alternatively, it could be assigned into a separate module here.

    6 Trivia

    Placeholder. This entry will contain some miscellaneous aspects of the object that is not essential.

    7 Notes

    Placeholder. This entry will contain any brief additional information about the object.

The Black Sect is a hidden faction in the official help files and therefore do not have official help data entries.

(This article is under construction!)

This section contains basic in-game information and properties of the object.


Black Sect Flak Station

Building ID18 (12)
Building TypeFlak Station (defcenter)
Sector Type200 (C8)
Construction Cost170000 (1700)
Structure ComponentYes; 1 Flak Turret
Component ID115
Structure ResistancePlaceholder
Turret Weapon115 - 115

Weapon System

Weapon ID115
Weapon ClassLaser Cannon (rocket)
Weapon Firepower30000 (300)
Damage MultiplierN/A
Rate of Fire (AI)900 (0.9 seconds)
Rate of Fire (User)Default (1000; 1 seconds?)


* The unit of time used in the game engine/data script is in milliseconds by default.

* All energy values that appear in the game are divided by 100 from the actual engine/data script values.

* The durability of structures in the game follows different algorithms to calculate damage on sector/sub-sector models. This information will be covered in the separate section.
