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Frequently Asked Questions about the game files and the community. It is highly recommended for new users to check this section.
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Schloss Charlottenburg
December 24, 2021 at 10:20 PM
The Resistance represents the last traces of freedom and democracy to survive global chaos known as The Big Mistake. The Resistance was months away from certain destruction when a coalition of engineers and hackers wired together the free world's computers to create seven advanced war machines called host stations. The faction is responsible for pioneering various high-technology inventions such as the plasma formation technology or the Stoudson Bomb. Their HQ and training grounds are located in Britain, while their remaining forces and contested territories are dispersed throughout Western Europe.
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Ghorkov is a militaristic police state that supports totalitarianism and communism ideologies. They possess many futuristic, state-of-the-art vehicle designs and weaponry for a rapid-response in combat, including the extensive application of radiation-based, electromagnetic impulse energy weapon technology. The Ghorkovs were originally allies of the Resistance, but this alliance was severed when the Resistance attempted to sell the Ghorkovs out to the Mykonians. The faction had emerged from Eastern Europe after The Big Mistake. Their influence and territories stretch across the entire Eurasia.
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Taerkasten Order is a fanatical brotherhood with mysticism and 'Neo-Luddite' doctrines. Their vehicle designs are chiefly reminiscent of the World Wars equipment with reinforced technology in advanced armament development. They have an esoteric cult formation in Southern Europe and Africa, with an occult hierarchy structure resembling a masonic fraternal organisation and a monastic military order. The faction has its origins in Central and Northern Europe. The Taerkasts had subsequently escaped to their current territories after their dreadful encounter with the Mykonians to protect the Earth.
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Mykonian is an extraterrestrial, imperialistic invader group who disdain humanity for wasting a precious planet. They view Earth as a valuable battery and use the Parasite Machine to harvest energy from the Earth's core. All Mykonian vehicles use ion cannons, and are symmetrical polygons in shape. This is the result of their biovein construction, which forms in crystalline symmetry in zero-gravity space. The Mykonians are typically located in Northern Europe and Scandinavia within their assimilated biocable-infested environments, where the optimal cooling temperatures facilitate their superconductive data transfer and war machines operations.
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Sulgogar is a vegetative, bionic off-world species whose powers resides in biotechnology, genetic manipulation, and cloning. The Sulgogars hope to claim Earth and its scarce remaining ocean body as their spawning ground, but their numbers are few and they are rarely encountered. All Sulgogars vehicles use particle beam. The Sulgogars initially made their migration to the ocean of Earth shortly before The Big Mistake. They wish to exterminate the other factions for causing the environmental collapse and pollution, which destroy their natural habitats in the process.
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The Black Sect is a mysterious confederation whose true identity is unknown. Having only a few original assets, the Black Sect can gain access to various war machines from the other factions through their extensive intelligence and spy network. All Black Sect vehicles linked to their Anvil-class host station battle network are rendered invisible on radar, thanks to its stealth projection module. They have bases of operations surrounding the Black Sea. Their true origin could be traced back to the earliest European secret societies, with all the requisite branches into the royal families.
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Urban Assault has a very interesting plot and background story, but they are usually hidden from the players. Discuss the rich story of Urban Assault here.
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The place for various artworks, pictures or videos related to Urban Assault. Your own UA-themed fan artworks are also welcomehere.
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Discussions pertaining to the game's internal data, scripts, custom contents, as well as bugs and glitches. Any topics pertaining to the game data and modifications should be discussed in this forum.
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Topics pertaining to OpenUA project development.
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