Urban Assault - Metropolis Dawn
The official and premier gaming community, files repository database, and information/knowledge archive for the game Microsoft Urban Assault from the year 1998.
Welcome to the official Metropolis Dawn website!
The authentic and premier source for Microsoft Urban Assault game information and knowledge database as well as file repository.
This is the main community and information website for the video game Microsoft Urban Assault and the Metropolis Dawn Expansion Pack. Urban Assault is a highly unique and innovative Full 3D Action (First-Person Shooter) and RTS (Real-Time Strategy) hybrid genre simulation game that was developed by the Potsdam and Berlin-based German software technology company TerraTools, and published by the Microsoft Games Studio in the year 1998. Metropolis Dawn is the fully official but unreleased expansion pack for Urban Assault. The game was officially translated with full localisation assets into the following 4 languages: English, German, French, and Japanese.
Our new website here is the direct successor of the original Stoudson Corporation website; a central hub of the Urban Assault information and knowledge base that went offline in the year 2020. Our primary host servers and core file repositories are located in Europe (Germany) and our main communication languages are English and German. The website also uses premium software and hosting services to provide an optimal environment for all Urban Assault game activities and discussions. The main purpose of our new website is reinstating the central UA information and knowledge base. If you have any questions about the game, please do not hesitate to ask us.
The website is still under construction, and currently our main objective is restoring the lost assets and content from the old UA websites. We are a fully self-funded, non-profit organisation (No Ads/No Donations/No Revenue) that also directly offers various technical support and assistance for the official Urban Assault game data and files, as well as providing the most authentic and verified Urban Assault game files and content that are perfectly safe to download and use. Lastly, new Urban Assault Wiki will be restored at the Lexicon module section and on the new domains. Other new standalone Urban Assault websites are planned in the future as well.
Urban Assault™ is a trademark of Microsoft® Corporation. ©1998 Microsoft® Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Interesting Trivia: The word 'Stoudson' is derived from the combination of a rare Scandinavian/Nordic surname 'Stoud', and a common Northern European surname suffix '-son'.
Release Candidate Version 6
Recent Activities
Reaction (Post)February 3, 2025 at 11:56 AM (Re-posted with the updated information for accuracy.)
These are rather technical topics and there are a lot to cover, which is the reason why I was initially hesitant to bring this topic up here. In summary, the AI energy system works completely… -
February 3, 2025 at 6:51 AM Replied to the thread [RELEASE] Urban Assault Level Creator.PostThank you for all your help, there's a bit in the level file which applies directly to conquest and how the squads work, which il be playing around with later,
Once again thank you for everything. -
Schloss Charlottenburg
February 2, 2025 at 10:00 PM Replied to the thread [RELEASE] Urban Assault Level Creator.PostThe English Levelbuilder document file has been uploaded at the following FTP link:
(To Ydro: I apologise for hijacking the thread!) -
Schloss Charlottenburg
February 2, 2025 at 9:50 PM Replied to the thread [RELEASE] Urban Assault Level Creator.PostYou're very welcome, I'm glad to know it was helpful! It's also wonderful to hear about your new campaign project as well. In that case, the level file won't be strictly necessary and I can highly recommend experimenting with various AI host station… -
February 2, 2025 at 9:04 PM Replied to the thread [RELEASE] Urban Assault Level Creator.PostHi Schloss,
Thank you so much for your response, it's helped me a lot and as soon as I'm able to do so I will play around with the settings and adjust the items you have described, as for providing a level I am currently in the process of building a brand… -
Schloss Charlottenburg
February 2, 2025 at 6:59 PM Replied to the thread [RELEASE] Urban Assault Level Creator.PostHello Stellaritely, welcome to the forums!
The total sizes of squadrons or the amounts of units that AI host stations will assign into certain tasks are determined by numerous factors, including the types of activities and the frequencies in their AI host… -
February 2, 2025 at 5:54 PM Replied to the thread [RELEASE] Urban Assault Level Creator.PostHi everyone,
This map editors incredible, but I was wondering if there is a way to get AI host stations to send their units in hordes, as at the moment the units are attacking as soon as they spawn creating a continuous stream of enemies, plus is there a… -
February 1, 2025 at 2:07 PM Reacted withReaction (File)to the file OpenUA Standalone Package - Full Game.
The complete standalone game package that contains the authentic original/unmodified data of both Urban Assault and Metropolis Dawn contents that have been configured to be played on the open source reimplementation project of Urban Assault engine,… -
February 1, 2025 at 2:00 PM Reacted withLike (Entry)to the Entry Soundtracks & Movies on the lexicon.
The article about the official soundtracks & movies of Urban Assault. -
February 1, 2025 at 2:00 PM Has received the trophy Resistance.Trophyplaceholder